feeling good
Shirt: Banana Republic; Pants: Banana Republic; Shoes: Banana Republic; Bag: Marc Jacobs

Shirt: Banana Republic; Pants: Banana Republic; Shoes: Banana Republic; Bag: Marc Jacobs

It’s been 3 months [well, 3 months and 8 days to be exact] since I first started at YouTube and made my foray into this crazy thing called adulthood. And man has it been a ride. Some things have changed since this wide-eyed naive noogler [yes, that’s what we call new googlers-google employees] stepped on campus.

First off, I no longer sit in meetings completely lost [well, not the majority of the time anyway.] It feels like I can finally keep up with conversations. And even better, when I have a question, I know who’s best to ask. My biggest feat? Someone on a different team asked me a question, and I was able to answer it in its entirety [and correctly might I add.]  [*does a happy dance*]

I won’t lie to you- there are certainly [I repeat, certainly] moments when I’m on a call, and I think to myself how is it that I am responsible for this project? I’m definitely not the best person to be making these decisions [or some iteration of that thought in the self-doubt department.] But the last time this happened [aka 4 days ago], I regrouped, asked the right questions [to the right people this time] and continued on. Surely though, these moments are fewer and far between which, I have to admit, is so emotionally liberating [hallelujah.]

And part of that is time [definitely time] but part of that is also growing closer with my team-read my fabulous teammates [seriously, fabulous.] Weeks have gone by, and I uncover more and more about the equally fabulous lives they lead outside our 9 to 5. Holiday parties have come and gone [y’all- YouTube’s party t’was lit], and I know who loves to dance [read- who are my dance partners in crime] and who will peruse to each and every food station with me.

It’s surely starting to feel like we’ve carved out our own family in our little pod in YouTube HQ, and you know what, it’s feeling good.