
This weekend wasn’t particularly eventful in anyway. There was no huge party, no one was visiting town, and I didn’t go to any special events. But for me, it was a pretty significant weekend. Because, to me, it was the first time that I really felt like I lived here.

What do you mean Rolanda, you’re a NYC native? What I mean is although yes I moved into my apartment almost 3 months ago, it didn’t particularly feel permanent. This could be some extended trip or even a vacation. There was no proof to say that this is permanent [I mean besides paying that West Village rent 😂.] However, for the first time this weekend, something felt different. There was a sense of routine [and I laugh to myself here because the last thing I thought I’d be craving is routine.]


Saturday started off with my high school best friend and I attending a Beyonce dance workout class [ to ‘End of Time’- live from Roseland Ballroom edition]. She came back to my apartment where we freshened up and then grabbed breakfast together at Motel Morris [where I ordered buttermilk pancakes and bacon and we split a side of malt vinegar fries.] I then dropped by for a doctor’s appointment [what could be more uneventful than that]. Saturday was such a beautiful day out, so we headed to Prospect Park to meet up with another friend. [And yes, I even finished my book Educated! Has anyone read it? What a read!]

Sunday was filled with even more regular degular events. I had another Beyonce dance workout class in the morning [this one to ‘Countdown’- Homecoming version]. Post class, I grabbed a smoothie at Liquiteria and started my new book, Normal People [Has anyone read it?] And then, like many of my fellow sistahs, Sunday was a ‘hair day’. [So yes, the long tresses are gone, and I’m back rocking my twists.] Within that, I sprinkled in some laundry [I already have my preferred pick up service] and some apartment cleaning [already had everything I needed].

I think that’s when it really sunk in:

I live here. This is my space. This is real life. And it’s not going anywhere anytime soon [eep!] This is normal.


Sweater: Hunter x Target//Pants: (via) LeTote//Boots: Urban Outfitters//Sunglasses: Vans//Bag: Coach